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About BBU

Build Bright University (BBU) is one of the leading universities in Cambodia having its eight campuses in different parts of the country. Along with the central campus at Phnom Penh, the other provincial campuses are at Siem Reap, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey, Preah Sihanouk, Takeo, Rattanakiri and Stung Treng. The university is recognized by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Royal Government of Cambodia. Since 2002, BBU has been marching ahead toward meeting its social commitment.


Realizing the need of trained and skilled workforce for the country as well as the region, BBU through its several faculties and school offers Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs as approved by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport. In addition, the university regularly conducts client-based training programs, research and consultancies. The university has the credibility of successfully placing its graduates in public, private and non-government organizations.

IMRF College 

IMRF, one of the world’s leading research organizations, popularly known across the global frontiers of the realm of education and research is a non-profit academic and research prefecture prestigiously borne as an entity of government registered body Estd U/S 35 of 2001, Govt of A.P, India and NITI Aayog, Govt of India. Performing several key positions in centres of higher learning at home and abroad towards establishing a pristine new knowledge-society. Established in 2002 as Grace Academy in no time as Grace Evening College and in the year 2012 acquired a new name as International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation in short IMRF Institute of Higher Education & Research and promoted as IMRF College of Global Excellence with Accreditation from DRPFA, affiliated to European Diplomatic University, Republic of North Macedonia. By working collaboratively with world-class academic portals for innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, IMRF building enduring peace in the world, which is why the Tag Line of IMRF goes to be ‘Choose to be huge’.


Introduction to the Conference  

The ‘International Conference’ spanning over 2 days is meticulously designed to bring together renowned academicians, honoured researchers from distinguished institutions, Industry leaders and practitioners as well as doctoral students. With the greatest minds across the globe, a simulation will be developed on ‘Growing Research Synergies’ to deliberate its influence on research & sustainable development, language systems and the world economy.
The conference will provide a unique platform to the participants to evolve their ideas and cogitation as they listen to a well-crafted panel discussion along with thought-provoking speaker sessions. 


Call for Papers 

Broad Theme: “Growing Synergies between Technology and Research”

The conference invites papers on the following themes but not limited to:

  • Gender Studies, Culture & Women Empowerment

  • Language, Literature & Communication Skills

  • Challenges, risks, governance & Social Sciences

  • Recent Trends in Agriculture, Veterinary & Life Sciences

  • Pharmaceutics, Biomedical & Health Sciences

  • Unconventional Trends in Climate Change & Environment

  • Growing Finance Industry, Management & Econometrics

  • Advances in Mathematical & Computers Science Research

  • Applications in Engineering & Architectural Sciences

  • AI, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Automations

  • Advances in Nano Technology & Material Sciences


Abstract & Research Paper Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to prepare their abstract and paper submissions and send a soft copy through email at The authors are requested to adhere to the following guidelines.


1. Every paper must be accompanied by a cover page, which should include the title of the paper, name(s) of the author(s) and their affiliations, resident country and the complete postal and e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of the authors.
2. The Research Papers should be in a Word Document format, Times New Roman, 12- point font size with 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margins and APA style of referencing.
3. The Word Limit for the Research Paper is limited to 4500 words, and must include the following: Title, Objectives of the study, Methodology, Findings, Conclusion/Implications/ Recommendations. Limitations (if any), Acknowledgements (if appropriate), References, Appendices (if appropriate).
4. Abstracts should be limited to 350 words.
5. The Institute has a strict anti-plagiarism policy, therefore, the authors must ensure originality of the work.


Selected candidates will be informed through mail. The decision of the Review Committee regarding the selection of papers will be final and binding.


Important Dates :

Submission of papers (with abstracts)   -     22nd Jun 2024

Notification of acceptance                         -     2 Days

Last Date for Registrations                        -     24th Jun 2024

Dates of conference                                     -     28th & 29th Jun 2024


Registration Fee

Cambodia & ASEAN Delegates                 -     150 USD  

India & SAARC Delegates                           -     200 USD 

Other Country Delegates                          -     250 USD



Selected papers will be published in (Scopus/Web of Sci/ Peer Reviewed) on additional APC Charges


For Complete Package Costs please refer Last Page of the Brochure â€‹


Organizing Committee:

Chief Patron                                    -       President, Build Bright University, Siem Reap Campus, Cambodia  

Patrons                                             -       Dr. Ratnakar D B, IMRF

Conference Chairman                  -       Dr. Yannakorn Toprayoon, CEO 

Conference Coordinator              -       Dr. Chai Ching Tan, NSRU

Faculty Organizing Members     -       Dr. M Lellis Thivagar | Dr. P. Vijaya Vani | Dr. Jagmohan Bajaj
                                                                    Dr. Thanyanant Chansongpol |Dr. Chanyanan Somthawinpongsai
                                                                    Dr. Worakamol Wisetsri | Dr. Kamal Kithsri Karunadasa
                                                                    Dr. Zaira Zaman Chowdhury | Dr. P Bhaskar Reddy

Contact Us

IMRF Cambodia Academic Chapter, Cambodia

+91 9618777088 (India) | +91 9533421234 (India)
+97 2501315567 (Dubai) | +66 948732411 (Thailand) 

Email      :
Website :

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